Week 5 - Bombing a Kindergarten

Gosh I am busy this week! My son's 3rd Birthday Party is on the weekend and I have been making decorations for the big day. I haven't picked up a crochet hook for over a week but...luckily...I already had my piece ready to go for this week! :D I had it ready a couple of weeks ago in fact but I knew it was going to be a tricky one to install. PLUS, I couldn't decide where to drop this particular bomb! I knew I wanted to bomb a Kindergarten with this piece but I had 2 Kinders in mind to choose from. And I don't do well with choices!

This piece is a spider web, aka a doily which, when installed, is meant to look like a spider web. {I played around with the idea of crocheting or sewing a spider onto the web but I was pretty sure about my feeling that I preferred it without. It just seemed more serious and more beautiful with a bit of mystery involved and I can't say why, but I felt rather strongly about that.}
The Kinder near my house, has a fence about 3 feet high which is made of wooden planks - three planks that run horizontally with space between. Installing the spider web on this fence would require some drawing pins to attach the strands to. (Does any of this make sense?)
The Kinder near my work, has cyclone fencing which would be much easier for me to attach the strands to. The girls at work have been suggesting objects and places for me to bomb, near work so they can see.
Regardless of all things to consider, what was the deciding factor in the end was merely, being in the right place at the right time...

On Tuesday night, I planned to go at twilight and bomb the Kinder near home. But I got busy with birthday biz and left it too late. I knew it would take some time to string up and I didn't want to get stuck in the dark with no witnesses about in case some thugs rocked up and bashed the living daylights out of me for my yarn! :P So I took it to work the next day thinking I might get a chance to drop it on my lunch break at the Kindy around the corner from there {the one with the cyclone fencing} And that's just what I did!

I asked one of my colleagues, Ms Taryn to come with me as I thought I might need some help but aside from that little fact, I would be bombing in broad daylight so I just didn't want to be alone!
We walked around the premises suspiciously {or not, but it adds and element of suspense!} looking for the right spot for maximum visibility. Once decided, I got to work as tho I had been paid to do so, ya know, like I do this every week ;)
It was still School Holidays on Tuesday and I don't think Kinders are open on School hols so I didn't know anyone was there...

I strung up my Spider web in a trial and error, work-it-out-as-you-go kind of way....I'm not sure I like the result but that's the artist within, being my harshest critic I suppose. I'll tell you why after some pics...

..because it looks like a star! the strands turned out in the shape of a star, and then there is one random strand sticking up the top, where I started, that doesn't fit in with the rest of the strands. I wanted one strand coming from each of the points because that's how spider webs are made, but it was easier said than done. I was on my lunch break too and was running out of time. I LOVE however, how the doily itself looks with the points stretched out like that. This part of it is exactly how I imagined it should be. So generally, I do like it and you know what? No-one else knows {well except you} that it's not exactly as I'd envisioned it. :D

That's not the end of the story though... A friend of mine who happens to live in the same town as this Kindy,  informed me that her daughter attended there just last year. She recognised it in the photo that I put on facebook and happened to be 'friends' with the Kinder Teacher on Facebook! So she tagged her in the photo, and this is what, to my delight, she had to say:
"l am one of the kinder teachers from that preschool. Saw you finishing it up yesterday- thanks for the donation. We had no idea what the heck you were doing or why. I was driving home thinking this is going to get some talk happening. Thanks!"

There is a reason I wanted to drop this bomb at a Kindergarten, and that is to enchant and delight the children. :D


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