Ahem...so, back to tonight's yarn bomb... here's where it began;
Earlier in the week I made a granny square and then another and another. I was thinking along the lines of bombing a traffic light pole at a large intersection near my home, with a sort of granny square...bangle {for lack of a better description}. But whilst taking my almost-3-year-old son Nazeem to the library, I spotted the perfect tree outside it and just quietly it was much easier to measure than a traffic light pole!
Now this library, I don't particularly like. Whenever I go there with Nazeem, it is always a pain. There are no toys there to keep him busy while I choose appropriate and relevant books for him. He's not even 3, he won't just sit there quietly while I do this. Instead he runs around, tries to climb book shelves, tries to escape out of the inappropriate-in-my-opinion automatic sliding doors, goes behind the counter, makes lots of noise, kicks the desk, that sort of thing. Seriously. Have some duplo blocks, some bean bags, some puzzles, some general Drs surgery type toy box, please!
Anyway, while inconsiderate Librarian No.1 shooshes Nazeem and tells him off for going behind the counter, I have my arms full of like a hundred books about potties and underpants. I dump them on the counter and inconsiderate Librarian No. 2 points out the self-service counter behind me which has a queue... In a 'yes but' kind of way I ask, "do I have to wait in the queue?" At which point she huffs and begins scanning my books. Geez anyone would think I had asked her to wipe my butt, I mean to expect a librarian to do her job and scan my books....sheesh!
Tonight, at the beautiful twilight hour of 9pm, I drove to that library after checking it's opening hours online to make sure it was closed. :P I park on the opposite side of the road and notice how suspiciously I am scanning for witnesses {hehehe}. There is one car parked at the library and the lights are on. I spot a cleaner, vacuuming inside. 'Ah well,' I think to myself, 'he's busy and he'll get a nice surprise when he comes out!'
Needle and thread in teeth, scissors and camera down bra, granny squares in hand I head for my target. What a beautiful night, warm, twilight, quiet, peaceful....I'm practiced and quick this time and sew it up in a snap! I spent more time taking photos of it than I did sewing it up! There was no-one around, I felt no threat, I'm not convinced a single person saw me.... :)
Dear Librarians,
a little HappiNess for you!
Kint | 18 January 2012 at 16:51
did you leave a note for the librarians? that would be awesome.
dancing cows | 21 January 2012 at 00:25
they need something to brighten their days. all librarians are dreary people who think they own the books etc. its such a chore for them to check your books out these days with all the self serve.
HappiNess | 26 January 2012 at 03:01
This one has been taken down. I have no way of knowing by whom but it was up for only 2 days unfortunately. A work collegue of mine dropped by to have a look the day after I put it up and said she saw a boy riding past on his bike. He got distracted by it and fell off his bike! oops :/ makes me think twice about the traffic light pole idea! :O